

Ten artykuł wymaga edycji, aby być zgodnym z nowymi zasadami SquareZone. Obecna wersja zostanie wkrótce dostosowana do standardów.

Moogle ponownie działają jako główni sklepikarze w KH. Tym razem, jeden Mog prowadzi kilka usług:


Roxas zbiera serca z zabitych Heartless. Owe serca stanowią też walutę w pierwszym ze sklepów. Filozofia prosta, wymieniasz punkty na interesujący cię przedmiot. Większość z przedmiotów można kupić jednorazowo (głównie panele), inne kilkakrotnie (np. Slot Releaser), a kilka niekończenie (medykamenty, oraz Moonstone, Diamond i Adamantite). W kolumnie ranga opisana jest minimanlna ranga (lub inne wymaganie) potrzebna, by przedmiot pokozał się na liście

Nazwa Cena Ranga
Slot Releaser 270 pts
1200 pts
1650 pts
3000 pts
4000 pts
10000 pts, 50000 pts
The King's Return 1000 pts Zalicz wszystkie misje w Story Mode
Sora's Awakening 2000 pts Zalicz w 100% wszystkie misje w Sory Mode
Limit Pass 10000 pts Zalicz w wszystkie misje w Mission Mode
Potion 90 pts Novice
Hi-Potion 360 pts Agent
Mega-Potion 400 pts Master
Ether 180 pts Novice
Hi-Ether 480 pts Agent
Mega-Ether 640 pts Master
Panacea 120 pts Rookie
Level Up 180 pts
1200 pts
2500 pts
LV Quadrupler (3) 6000 pts Legend
Backpack 480 pts Rookie
Fire 90, 180 pts Novice
Fira 480, 960 pts Agent
Blizzard 90, 180 pts Novice
Blizzara 480, 960 pts Agent
Thunder 360, 720 pts Rookie
Thudera 600, 1200 pts Expert
Aero 360, 720 pts Rookie
Cure 480, 960 pts Rookie
Cura 720, 1440 pts Agent
Magic LV2 (4) 840 pts Rookie
Magic LV2 (4) 2400 pts Master
Magic LV3 (4) 840 pts Agent
Magic LV3 (4) 1400 pts Expert
Triplecast (3) 450 pts Novice
Quadcast (3) 2000 pts Expert
Dodge Roll LV+ (L) 600, 1200 pts Agent
Block (4) 2400 pts Master
Block LV+ (L) 2400 pts
6000 pts
Aerial Recovery 270 pts Novice
Aerial Recovery (3) 600 pts Agent
Air Slide LV+ (L) 1200 pts
6000 pts
Glide LV+ (L) 1000 pts Expert
High Jump LV+ (L) 2400 pts
6000 pts
Treasure Magnet (3) 1500 pts Expert
T. Magnet LV+ (L) 600 pts Master
Auto-Life (3) 4800 pts Rookie
Auto-Life LV+ (L) 1200 pts
2400 pts
Limit Boost 1440 pts Agent
Range Extender 1200 pts Rookie
Auto-Lock 960 pts Agent
Technical Gear (3) 720 pts Novice
Chrono Gear (3) 720 pts Novice
Lift Gear (3) 1080 pts Novice
Nimble Gear (4) 3600 pts Rookie
Wild gear (3) 1080 pts Novice
Fearless Gear (3) 2400 pts Rookie
Prestige Gear (4) 3600 pts Agent
Champion Gear+ (5) 6400 pts Master
Pandora's Gear (5) 10000 pts Odblokuj wszystkie Secret Report
Zero Gear (5) 30000 pts Legend
Ability Unit (L) 360 pts Rookie
Power Unit (L) 180 pts
480 pts
2500 pts
Magic Unit (L) 480 pts
800 pts
2500 pts
Guard Unit (L) 480 pts
800 pts
2500 pts
Brawl Ring 270 pts Novice
Soldier Ring 450 pts Novice
Flower Charm 1200 pts Rookie
Blizzard Charm 2400 pts Rookie
Knight's Defense 2400 pts Agent
Rainforce Ring 3000 pts Expert
Critical Ring 4000 pts Expert
Lucky Star 4400 pts Master
Princess's Crown 10000 pts Legend
Deep Sky 12000 pts Legend
Critical Sun 13000 pts Legend
Iron 200 pts Novice
Bronze 600 pts Rookie
Dark Ingot 1200 pts Agent
Silver 2400 pts Expert
Gold 4800 pts Master
Moonstone 100 pts Agent
Diamond 2000 pts Agent
Adamantite 5000 pts Agent


Czyli łączenie ze sobą materiałów. Oprócz owych przedmiotów, musisz dodatkowo uiszczyć opłatę Munny. Syntezować możesz dotąd, aż będziesz miał maksymalną liczbę w plecaku (dla medykamentów i czarów 99, reszta paneli to niestety 1).

Nazwa Materiały Cena Odblokowane
Hi-Potion Potion x2 800 Munny Novice
Mega-Potion Hi-Potion x2 1500 Munny Novice
Hi-Ether Ether x2 1200 Munny Novice
Mega-Ether Hi-Ether x2 1800 Munny Novice
Elixir Elixir Recipe x1
Hi-Potion x1
Hi-Ether x1
Shining Shard x1
1600 Munny Rookie
Megalixir Megalixir Recipe x1
Mega-Potion x1
Mega-Ether x1
Shining Crystal x1
2500 Munny Expert
Limit Recharge Moonstone x1
Shining Shard x1
Blazing Shard x1
2000 Munny Novice
Fire Fire Recipe x1
Blazing Shard x2
700 Munny Novice
Fira Fira Recipe x1
Fire x1
Blazing Gem x2
1000 Munny Rookie
Firaga Firege Recipe x1
Fira x1
Blazing Crystal x2
1400 Munny Master
Blizzard Blizzard Recipe x1
Frost Shard x2
1200 Munny Novice
Blizzara Blizzara Recipe x1
Blizzard x1
Frost Gem x2
1300 Munny Agent
Blizzaga Blizzaga Recipe x1
Blizzara x1
Frost Crystal x2
2000 Munny Master
Thunder Thunder x1
Lightning Shard x2
1400 Munny Rookie
Thundara Thundara Recipe x1
Thunder x1
Lightning Gem x2
1400 Munny Expert
Thundaga Thundaga Recipe x1
Thundara x1
Lightning Crystal x2
2000 Munny Expert
Aero Aero Recipe x1
Gust Shard x2
1400 Munny Rookie
Aerora Aerora Recipe x1
Aero x1
Gust Gem x2
1600 Munny Rookie
Aeroga Aeroga Recipe x1
Aerora x1
Gust Crystal x2
2000 Munny Expert
Cure Cure Recipe x1
Shining Shard x2
1600 Munny Novice
Cura Cura Recipe x1
Cura x1
Shining Gem x2
2000 Munny Agent
Curaga Curaga Recipe x1
Cura x1
Shining Crystal x2
2600 Munny Master
Dodge Rush (L) Moonstone x2
Combo Tech x3
Power Tech+ x2
Premium Orb x1
4500 Munny Novice
Dodging Deflect (L) Diamond x1
Range Tech+ x3
6800 Munny Expert
Dodge Combo (L) Adamantite x1
Combo Tech+ x1
8800 Munny Master
Auto-Dodge (L) Diamond x1
Combo Tech++ x1
6800 Munny Expert
Perfect Block (L) Moonstone x2
Shield Tech x2
3300 Munny Rookie
Block-Counter (L) Moonstone x2
Shield Tech x3
Shield Tech+ x2
4500 Munny Rookie
Block-Retreat Moonstone x2
Shield Tech x3
Perfect Block (L) x1
4500 Munny Rookie
Sliding Block (L) Diamond x1
Shield Tech+ x1
Range Tech+ x2
6800 Munny Expert
Block-Jump (L) Diamond x1
Shield Tech+ x1
Aerial Tech+ x2
6800 Munny Expert
Fire Block (L) Moonstone x2
Shield Tech x3
Blazing Shard x3
Rune Tech x3
4500 Munny Rookie
Blizzard Block (L) Moonstone x2
Shield Tech x3
Frost Shard x3
Rune Tech x3
4500 Munny Rookie
Thunder Block (L) Diamond x1
Shield Tech+ x1
Lightning Gem x3
Rune Tech+ x2
6800 Munny Expert
Aero Block (L) Diamond x1
Shield Tech+ x1
Gust Gem x3
Rune Tech+ x2
6800 Munny Expert
Block Bonus (L) Adamantite x1
Shield Tech+ x1
Luck Tech x1
8800 Munny Master
Round Block (L) Moonstone x2
Shield Tech+ x2
4500 Munny Expert
Auto-Block (L) Adamantite x1
Shield Tech+ x1
Round Block (L)
8800 Munny Master
Quick Recovery (L) Moonstone x2
Rune Tech+ x2
4500 Munny Rookie
Aerial Payback (L) Diamond x1
Combo Tech+ x3
6800 Munny Expert
Smash Racovery (L) Adamantite x1
Power Tech++ x2
8800 Munny Master
Air Rush (L) Moonstone x2
Aerial Tech+ x2
4500 Munny Expert
Homing Glide (L) Adamantite x1
Aerial Tech++ x2
Range Tech++ x2
8800 Munny Master
Rocket Glide (L) Adamantite x1
Aerial Tech++ x2
Range Tech++ x2
Range Tech x5
8800 Munny Master
Float (L) Adamantite x1
Aerial Tech++ x2
8800 Munny Master
Duel Gear (4) Gear Component A x3
Combo Tech x3
Bronze x2
4600 Munny Rookie
Duel Gear++ (5) Gear Component B x4
Combo Tech x5
Dark Ingot x1
7800 Munny Agent
Chrono Gear+ (3) Gear Component A x3
Rune Tech x2
Bronze x1
4600 Munny Rookie
Phantom Gear++ (5) Gear Component B x4
Rune Tech+ x2
Dark Ingot x1
7800 Munny Agent
Nimble Gear+ (4) Gear Component A x3
Aerial Tech x2
Bronze x2
3700 Munny Rookie
Ominous Gear+ (4) Gear Component A x3
Range Tech x2
Bronze x2
3700 Munny Rookie
Fearless Gear+ (3) Gear Component A x3
Power Tech x2
Bronze x2
2000 Munny Rookie
Prestige Gear+ (4) Gear Component B x4
Power Tech x3
Dark Ingot x1
4600 Munny Agent
Crisis Gear (5) Gear Component B x4
Rune Tech+ x2
Power Tech+ x2
Dark Ingot x2
7800 Munny Agent
Crisis Gear+ (5) Gear Component C x4
Rune Tech+ x2
Power Tech+ x2
Silver x2
11700 Munny Expert
Omega Gear+ (6) Gear Component D x4
Rune Tech++ x3
Power Tech++ x3
Mithril x2
30000 Munny Master
Hazard Gear (5) Gear Component C x4
Rune Tech+ x2
Range Tech+ x2
Silver x2
7800 Munny Expert
Hazard Gear+ (5) Gear Component D x4
Rune Tech++ x2
Range Tech++ x2
Gold x2
11700 Munny Master
Rage Gear+ (5) Gear Component C x4
Combo Tech+ x2
Aerial Tech+ x2
Silver x2
7800 Munny Expert
Champion Gear (5) Gear Component C x4
Combo Tech+ x2
Power Tech+ x2
Silver x2
7800 Munny Expert
Ultimate Gear+ (6) Gear Component D x4
Combo Tech++ x3
Power Tech++ x3
Orichalcum x2
30000 Munny Master
Pandora's Gear+ (5) Gear Component D x4
Luck Tech x2
Premium Orb x1
Mithril x2
19500 Munny Master
Magic Ring Iron x3
Moonstone x1
3600 Munny Novice
Fencer's Ring Iron x3
Moonstone x1
Shining Shard x2
3600 Munny Novice
Fire Charm Iron x3
Moonstone x1
Blazing Shard x2
Aerial Tech x2
3600 Munny Novice
Strike Ring Iron x4
Bronze x3
Moonstone x1
Combo Tech x3
4500 Munny Novice
Lucky Ring Iron x4
Bronze x3
Moonstone x1
Shield Tech x2
4500 Munny Novice
White Ring Iron x4
Bronze x3
Moonstone x1
Combo Tech x4
4500 Munny Novice
Raider's Ring Dark Ingot x2
Moonstone x1
Lucky Ring x1
5900 Munny Agent
Thunder Charm Dark Ingot x2
Moonstone x2
Lightning Gem x2
Aerial Tech x4
5900 Munny Agent
Recovery Ring Dark Ingot x2
Moonstone x2
Combo Tech+ x1
5900 Munny Agent
Vitality Ring Dark Ingot x2
Moonstone x2
Combo Tech++ x1
5900 Munny Agent
Double Up Silver x1
Diamond x1
Luck Tech x1
6800 Munny Expert
Storm's Eye Silver x1
Diamond x1
Gust Gem x2
6800 Munny Expert
Fairy Circle Silver x1
Diamond x1
Range Tech+ x2
Aerial Tech + x2
6800 Munny Expert
Full Circle Silver x1
Diamond x1
Shield Tech x2
Shield Tech+ x1
6800 Munny Expert
Charge Ring Gold x1
Diamond x2
Full Circle x1
8800 Munny Master
Eternal Ring Gold x1
Diamond x2
Recovery Ring x1
8800 Munny Master
Carmine Blight Gold x1
Adamantite x1
Power Tech++ x2
Ankharite x2
8800 Munny Master
Frozen Blight Gold x1
Diamond x2
Rune Tech++ x2
8800 Munny Master
Safety Ring Gold x1
Diamond x2
Shield Tech+ x1
8800 Munny Master
Lunar Strike Mithril x2
Adamantite x4
Premium Orb x1
10100 Munny Legend
Protect Ring Mithril x2
Adamantite x4
Shield Tech++ x2
10100 Munny Legend
Might Crown Mithril x2
Adamantite x4
Combo Tech++ x2
10100 Munny Legend
Three Stars Mithril x2
Adamantite x4
Luck Tech x4
10100 Munny Legend
Imperial Crown Mithril x2
Adamantite x4
Ankharite x2
Premium Orb x1
14800 Munny Legend
Witch's Chaos Mithril x2
Adamantite x4
Shield Tech++ x2
Premium Orb x1
14800 Munny Legend
Extreme Orichalcum x1
Moonstone x8
Dark Ingot x20
Luck Tech x4
12500 Munny Legend
Nothing to Fear Orichalcum x1
Adamantite x4
Frozen Blight x1
12500 Munny Legend
Space in Its Place Orichalcum x1
Moonstone x8
Combo Tech++ x3
Aerial Tech++ x3
12500 Munny Legend
Flagging Winds Orichalcum x1
Moonstone x8
Gust Crystal x2
Gust Shard x5
12500 Munny Legend
Ice Breaker Orichalcum x1
Moonstone x8
Frost Crystal x2
Frost Gem x3
12500 Munny
Down to Earth Orichalcum x1
Moonstone x8
Eternal Ring x1
12500 Munny Legend
Lose Your Illusion Orichalcum x1
Moonstone x4
Charge Ring x1
12500 Munny Legend
Sighing of the Moon Orichalcum x1
Diamond x6
Strike Ring x1
12500 Munny Legend
Tears of Flame Orichalcum x1
Diamond x6
Blazing Crystal x2
Blazing Gem x3
12500 Munny Legend
Parting of Waters Orichalcum x1
Diamond x6
Storm's Eye x1
12500 Munny Legend
Test of Time Orichalcum x1
Adamantite x4
Fairy Circle x1
12500 Munny Legend
Flowers Athirst Orichalcum x1
Moonstone x8
Double Up x1
12500 Munny Legend
Stolen Thunder Orichalcum x1
Moonstone x8
Lightning Crystal x2
Lightning Shard x5
12500 Munny Legend
Dying of the Light Orichalcum x1
Moonstone x8
Imperial Crown x1
Shining Gem x3
12500 Munny Legend


Ostatnią ofertą u Moogle są nagrody, które dostajesz za zdobyte Challenge Sigil i Mission Crown. Co ciekawe, nie płacisz nimi, a jedynie pokazujesz Mogowi, który automatycznie daje ci kolejne przedmioty z listy.

Challenge Sigil

Nazwa Cena Ranga
Slot Releaser 5 Novice
Haste 10 Novice
Casual Gear (2) 15 Novice
Fire x3 20 Novice
Cure x3 25 Novice
Slot Releaser 30 Novice
Thunder x3 35 Rookie
Wild Gear (3) 40 Novice
Fira x2 45 Rookie
Slot Releaser 50 Novice
Thundara x2 60 Agent
Phantom Gear+ (3) 70 Novice
Slot Releaser 80 Novice
Level Up 90 Novice
Haste (3) 100 Novice
Haste LV+ (L) 110 Novice
Rage Gear (5) 120 Novice
Slot Releaser 130 Novice
Level Up 140 Novice
Glide (5) 150 Novice
Omega Gear (6) 160 Novice
Glide LV+ (L) 170 Legend
LV Doubler (6) 180 Legend
Slot Releaser 190 Legend
Hastel LV+ (L) 200 Legend
Level Up 210 Legend
LV Tripler (4) 220 Legend
Level Up 230 Legend
Slot Releaser 240 Legend
Ultima Weapon 255 Legend

Mission Crown

Nazwa Cena Ranga
Slot Releaser 1 Novice
Valor Gear (2) 2 Novice
Potion x10 5 Novice
Ether x10 8 Novice
Lift Gear+ (3) 10 Novice
Blizzard x3 15 Novice
Slot Releaser 20 Rookie
Aero x3 25 Rookie
Panacea x10 30 Novice
Cura x2 35 Rookie
Blizzara x2 40 Rookie
Slot Releaser 45 Agent
Hi-Potion x10 50 Novice
Hi-Ether x10 55 Novice
Mystery Gear (3) 60 Novice
Slot Releaser 65 Expert
Elixir x10 70 Novice
Limit Recharge x5 75 Novice
Aerora x3 80 Expert
Slot Releaser 85 Master
Mega-Potion x10 90 Novice
Mega-Ether x10 100 Novice
Ultimate Gear (6) 110 Master
Megalixir x5 120 Novice
Aeroga 130 Master
Premium Orb 140 Novice
Sliding Dash LV+ (L) 150 Legend
Crimson Blood 160 Legend
Power Unit (L) 170 Legend
Adamantite x2 180 Legend
Magic Unit (L) 190 Legend
Rune Ring 200 Legend
LV Quadrupler (3) 220 Legend
Guard Unit (L) 240 Legend
LV Doubler (6) 260 Legend
Slot Releaser 280 Legend
Master's Circle 358 Legend


  • Data publikacji:
  • Artykuł czytany: 2621
  • Głosy oddane: 1
  • Średnia ocen: 10.0

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